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STEP 1: Choose a topic that particularly interests you from the list of topics.

STEP 2: Edit the existing presentation by keeping what you want, changing what you want, and adding what you want. If you are completely dissatisfied with what’s already there, you may want to start from scratch or come up with a topic of your own. However, we recommend the following method or format: a) start with a question that summarizes your topic; b) take up a position by briefly answering the question; c) pause for reactions and other answers; d) proceed to make and defend your case, after having made it clear to your listeners that they can interrupt you whenever they want; e) finally, remember to pause at least at the end of every paragraph to encourage criticism and discussion.

STEP 3: After you’ve edited the topic, translate your presentation from prose into your own conversational style. (This is desirable but not absolutely necessary.)

STEP 4: Try committing your presentation to memory in such a way that you can deliver it conversationally, rather than reading it from paper or screen. (This is fairly demanding and may require more time than you’re prepared to give; as an alternative you could simply read it, or, better still, become so familiar with your material that you can convert it into your own speaking style as you read.)

STEP 5: See if you can find a friend or family member who is also interested in the topic and offer to present your ideas. If you meet any resistance, don’t try to convert the other person to your own point of view. Your attitude should be: I think I’m right, but I may be wrong. It’s possible that you are wrong (or at least not entirely right) and have something to learn from your listener.

STEP 6: If you’re an extrovert and feel confident about your ability to present topics of general interest, then you may want to make your educational services available in a coffee shop or some other public place. Recruit a partner if you’re shy about doing this on your own. Working in pairs has the added advantage that you can split the topics between you. And here are some suggested replies to likely questions about NEW EDUCATION.

STEP 7: You may find it useful to print out the NEW EDUCATION sign. By folding the sheet along the long axis it can be read from either side and becomes self-standing—at least if printed on resume paper or heavier stock. Before folding, flip the sheet and print the list of available topics on the “inside” of the sign for easy reference.

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SOME THEORY: For a defense of NEW EDUCATION and the two fundamental principles on which it is based, click HERE. For additional principles click HERE and HERE.]

For more topics click HERE.